
U.s. Border Patrol Separating Families Telling Them Thier Kids Will Be Bathed

Border agents in Texas have been of accused of deceiving immigrant parents in order to separate them from their children.

A Boston Globe report detailing the Trump assistants's policy of splitting apprehended migrant families features a conversation with a McAllen federal public defender that has gone viral.

"[Azalea] Aleman-Bendiks, the public defender, said several of her clients have told her their children were taken from them by Edge Patrol agents who said they were going to requite them a bath," the report read. "As the hours passed, information technology dawned on the mothers the kids were not coming back."

News of the alleged tactic sparked outrage and drew comparisons to methods used in Nazi Germany.

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A similar study by USA Today appears to corroborate the report:

"Federal agents told two female immigrants they were taking their daughters away for a bathroom, then never returned with them," said Elissa Steglich, a University of Texas at Austin professor who visited McAllen on a fact-finding mission.

A spokesperson with U.S. Customs and Border Protection said: "goose egg could exist further from the truth and these allegations are unsubstantiated."

The exercise of separating migrant families began in April when Chaser Full general Jeff Sessions announced a new "zero-tolerance" policy prosecuting 100 per centum of illegal border crossings.

"If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you lot and that child will exist separated from you lot as required past law," Sessions said announcing the new policy. "If you lot don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

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While the separations are not legally required as Sessions suggests, members of the Trump administration, including Sessions and Chief of Staff John Kelly, have fabricated it clear they believe the controversial practise serves equally a deterrent to border migration.


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